week 1: A Time to grow (John)

Week 2: Am I A Child Of God? (John 1:1-18)

Week 3: Behold the Lamb of God! (John 1:19-34)

Week 4: HEAR, FOLLOW, FIND, BRING (John 1:35-51)

Week 5: Grace Upon Grace

Week 6: Running On Empty (John 2:1-11)

Week 7: Jesus is in the Temple Cleansing Business (John 2:12-25)

Week 8: A New Birth (John 3:1-18)

Week 9: Jesus: All You’ll Ever Need

Week 10: Why We Should Want To Make Disciples

WEEK 11: A New Hope

Week 12: Why Is It So Hard To Become Less?

Week 13: Nothing Too Big


Week 14: Turning Seas Into Highways

Week 15: What Are You Working For?

Week 16: Playing In The Dirt

Week 17: Filled, Formed and Brought to Life

Week 18: Why Do We Need A Good Shepherd?

Week 19: Life After Life

Week 20: At The Feet Of Jesus

Week 21: A Life of Death That Leads to Life

Week 22: Follow The Leader

Week 23: This Is The Way

Week 24: Take Courage

Week 25: Abide (or Die)

Week 26: The Promise of Persecution

Week 27: I’ve Got You Covered

Week 28: Finding Genuine Joy

Week 29: Set Apart & Sent On Mission

WEEK 30: A Clash of Two Kingdoms

Week 31: The King Who Hung On A Cross

Week 32: Between Two Baptisms

Going Deeper: The Gospel Of John With Brad Nelson

Week 33: Sending The Wrong Message

Week 34: Believing Without Seeing

Week 35: Too Far Gone?